Human Resource Development (HRD)

The Master of Science in Human Resource Development aims to develop HRD Professionals and Specialists able to identify strategic individual and organizational capabilities and leverage them through different developmental actions to shape individual and...

Arts in Islamic Religious Studies (MAIRS)

The Master of Arts in Islamic Religious Studies (MAIRS) is a graduate-level degree designed to provide students with an advanced knowledge of issues related to Islam and the role of religion in society. The program focuses on the study of religion from...

الدراسات العربية

لعمل على الارتقاء بالدرس اللغوي والأدبي و الفني في الجامعة المغربية، و باللغة العربية، إلى مستوى أعلى. جعل الدراسة الأدبية منفتحة على الفنون و على مختلف أشكال التعبير الشفوية و الكتابية و الرقمية. *تعميق صلات اللغة العربية و...

Communication et Mediation Culturelle

La formation repose sur une double exigence qui associe professionnalisation et recherche. Concernant la professionnalisation, la formation a pour ambition de former des cadres de haut niveau, à même de répondre aux demandes de différents secteurs d’...

Science & Master of Science

The combined BS/MS programs allow qualified AUI students in the SSE to earn both Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in a minimum of five years. This option permits a student to take graduate courses while completing undergraduate...

Science in General Engineering (BSGE)

The mission of the BSGE program at AUI is to produce engineers with a strong foundation so they can succeed in a variety of professional settings and industries. They will be able to work effectively across disciplines and national boundaries....

Génie des Procédés

Le monde industriel ne peut plus ignorer les aspects environnementaux de tout procédé de transformation physique, physico-chimique ou biologique de la matière. Les ingénieurs doivent produire en respectant les objectifs de moindre pollution, d'économie et...

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