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Prépas Économiques ECT

Intégrer une classe prépa, c’est faire le choix de la constitution de bases solides en enseignement général et technique, condition sine qua none, à la réussite académique et professionnelle de l’étudiant. Les Classes Préparatoires économiques ECT...

Prépas MPSI

Les Classes Prépas MPSI sont une filière d’excellence qui a pour but d’offrir aux étudiants une formation solide aussi bien scientifique que culturelle. Les objectifs poursuivis par les équipes pédagogiques se concentrent à développer chez l’étudiant une...

Arts in International Studies and Diplomacy (MAISD)

The Master of Arts in International Studies and Diplomacy (MAISD) offers qualified students the opportunity to become specialists in the fields of diplomacy and international affairs. Sponsored by the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation,...

Science in Sustainable Energy Management (MSSEM)

The Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Management program focuses on renewable energies production, transformation, distribution, and management and provides students with a well-balanced education in renewable energies science, engineering, and...

Human Resource Development (HRD)

The Master of Science in Human Resource Development aims to develop HRD Professionals and Specialists able to identify strategic individual and organizational capabilities and leverage them through different developmental actions to shape individual and...

Arts in Islamic Religious Studies (MAIRS)

The Master of Arts in Islamic Religious Studies (MAIRS) is a graduate-level degree designed to provide students with an advanced knowledge of issues related to Islam and the role of religion in society. The program focuses on the study of religion from...

Science in Computer Science (MSCS)

The MSCS program is designed for students who wish to perfect their knowledge and expertise in Computer Science. It provides the student, through a set of core courses, with a thorough background and an in depth coverage of new developments in the...

Science in Software Engineering (MSSE)

The Master of Science in Software Engineering (MSSE) program is designed to provide the student, through concentration courses, with solid, specialized skills needed to produce high-quality software. In addition, it gives the student sufficient breadth,...

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