Etudes Anglaises

La filière de licence« Etudes Anglaises » a pour objectifs : A. Dispenser des connaissances académiques spécifiques : Connaissance générale du fonctionnement du système de la langue anglaise et des compétences langagières (language...

English Studies

- Connaissance générale du fonctionnement du système de la langue anglaise et des compétences langagières (language skills :listening,speaking,reading ,writing) - Etude des différents genres littéraires et leurs spécificités (Fiction, drama,...

Culture and Linguistics (MCL)

- To offer “Licence” holders in English the opportunity to continue their studies at the postgraduate level. - To consolidate prior learning, broaden intellectual perspectives and serve as a basis for subsequent academic research activities....

Teaching English As A Foreign Language (TEFL)

The main objective of this Master emanates from the increasing need of better trained English High school (lycée) teachers nationwide. Therefore, the Master - targets a vocational training for teaching English at the High School (...

Etudes anglaises

- To train students in the craft of translation involving English, Arabic, and French, and to bring them to a high standard of linguistic competence in these languages, - To foster understanding and tolerance of cultural differences in an...

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