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Taxonomie Organisme




Type diplôme


Cette formation a pour objectif de : - Apporter aux étudiants des connaissances théoriques en chimie de base et de comprendre les principes des techniques physico-chimiques et instrumentales, leurs domaines d'application et spécificités, savoir les...

Design Fabrication Mécanique et Innovation (DFMI)

Acquérir de solides compétences dans les domaines des sciences et des technologies ; Disposer des méthodologies de conception et de fabrication en s’appuyant sur une nouvelle plateforme d’ingénierie mécanique et numérique. Disposer d'un...

Science & Master of Science

The combined BS/MS programs allow qualified AUI students in the SSE to earn both Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in a minimum of five years. This option permits a student to take graduate courses while completing undergraduate...

Science in Sustainable Energy Management (MSSEM)

The Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Management program focuses on renewable energies production, transformation, distribution, and management and provides students with a well-balanced education in renewable energies science, engineering, and...

Science in General Engineering (BSGE)

The mission of the BSGE program at AUI is to produce engineers with a strong foundation so they can succeed in a variety of professional settings and industries. They will be able to work effectively across disciplines and national boundaries....

Science in Computer Science (BSCSC)

The BS in Computer Science (BSCSC) is designed to provide the student with: - a theoretical basis and breadth in Computer Science; - an ability to carry out advanced work in specific areas of computer science; - an ability to...

Science in Computer Science (MSCS)

The MSCS program is designed for students who wish to perfect their knowledge and expertise in Computer Science. It provides the student, through a set of core courses, with a thorough background and an in depth coverage of new developments in the...

Science in Software Engineering (MSSE)

The Master of Science in Software Engineering (MSSE) program is designed to provide the student, through concentration courses, with solid, specialized skills needed to produce high-quality software. In addition, it gives the student sufficient breadth,...

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