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Université Ibn Zohr - UIZ

Université Ibn Zohr - Agadir

Etudes Anglaises

Coordinateur de la filière : Professeur Ibrahim HABAN

Email : webmaster@flsh-agadir.ac.ma

TEL : 05-28-22-05-58

Fax : 05-28-22-16-20

Présentation de Etudes Anglaises

Établissement : Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines - Agadir (FLSH Agadir)

Type de formation : Initiale

Type de diplôme : Licence d'Études Fondamentales

Discipline : Lettres et Sciences Humaines

Domaine : Langue, linguistique, littérature, sciences humaines, cultural studies, translation, media, TEFL

Objectifs : - The present field of study offers a first cycle training to ‘Baccalauréat’ holders. It is the outcome of a new vision of university studies in Morocco and of new criteria of learning and evaluation that are concomitant with the spirit of the Reform. It sets for itself the following objectives:

- To guarantee an efficient and solid training in English studies, covering the following disciplinary fields: Language, Communication, Literature, Culture, Translation, English for Special Purposes (ESP), Education, NTIC.
- To insure that English majors acquire an adequate knowledge of their own culture.
- To develop, among other things, students’ critical sense, their ability for analysis, and their independent thinking.
- To open up their horizons by proposing to them a variety of optional modules in a variety of disciplines.
To attain these objectives, the pathway proposes mostly academic modules leading up to the second cycle, but it also proposes two technical and job-oriented modules functioning as a Gateway opening up on the job market. Moreover, given the importance of computer science nowadays, the pathway also offers to students an adequate training in the New Technologies of Information and Communication.


Durée de la formation :

3 ans

Secteurs de recrutement :

Les débouchés et les retombées de la licence en Etudes Anglaises sont multiples et peuvent se résumer en :
L’accès aux Masters professionnelles et aux Masters conduisant à la recherche doctorale,
La formation d’étudiants susceptibles de se diriger, dès l’obtention de leurs diplômes, vers divers métiers (enseignement, centres d’appel, traduction…), selon le ou les parcours d’ouverture choisis et selon le contexte socio-économique.


-Possibly an Admission Test

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